Sustainability is in our eyes the only way to be positioned for the future. The most important point for us is the product: Our filters are built in such a way that they can be repaired. Even for the vast majority of older generation devices, spare parts are available or any damage that has occurred can be repaired by us. In the case of filters of the acrylic glass generation (PMMA), each filter can be converted into another filter with just a few additional parts. This saves costs, energy and raw materials.
Almost all packaging of supplier products is recycled at AquaCare. Waste paper is shredded and used for padding the products. The main packaging product is paper or cardboard. Only the very fragile articles are protected in e.g. bubble wrap or other foils. AquaCare largely avoids partial deliveries in order to save transports.
For PVC cold welding (gluing), bulk containers are used, which are decanted into smaller application units. Adhesive residues and empty tubes are thus reduced. Intelligent processing of semi-finished products minimizes production waste.
A lot has happened recently at AquaCare in the energy sector. The lighting has been almost entirely converted to LED. In passageways, motion detectors prevent unnecessary lighting. Only energy-saving pumps are used for the main units in the Technikum.
Hot water is also produced by photothermal energy - at least when the sun is shining. The office building has a green roof, so that less heat energy is needed in winter and the working climate is more pleasant in summer. The colorful succulents contribute a little to biodiversity. The technical center is not additionally heated; the extremely good insulation in the windowless room does not allow the temperature to drop below 23°C even in winter.
AquaCare's latest investment is a photovoltaic system with a storage module. The PV modules are expected to cover 47.6% of the electricity required from renewable sources. We are curious to see to what extent the forecast and the actual savings will match. This step was also important to us in order to supply at least the most important units in the technical centre with electricity in the event of a power failure.
The resource water is used as sparingly as possible. The outdoor facilities are supplied exclusively with rainwater from a 12 m3 cistern. We recycle most of the test water for product testing - every water system is tested at AquaCare before delivery. The fresh water demand for the seawater technical center is reduced by sophisticated and coordinated technology. Excess rainwater does not run into the sewage system and stress the wastewater treatment plants, but collects in a municipal infiltration trench, so that the aquifer is replenished despite the sealed area.
The green areas of the company's property are ecologically designed. One looks in vain for lawn at AquaCare. A colorful meadow keeps moisture in the soil and provides food and shelter for lots of insects and other small animals. The number of species and individuals of butterflies has visibly increased after the conversion to the meadow biotope. Wood bees find suitable breeding opportunities in the insect house. Green waste forms new high-quality soil/humus in the composter for the following year.
A conscious decision was made by the two owners to live above the company in order to incur fewer road costs and waste less time on a commute.