As a matter of principle you can raise the concentration of calcium, magnesium and carbonate hardness (alkalinity) by three methods:
1. Dosing of fluid components or powders: AquaCare Super series, AquaCare fluid products
2. CO2 driven units: Turbo Chalk Reactor, magnesium reactor, magnesium tube
3. "Kalkwasser" method: KWR Kalkwasser reactor, calcium hydroxid
The Turbo Chalk Reactor is a perfect unit to bring soluble chalk (calcium and carbonate hardness / alkalinity) into the aquarium.
With the "Kalkwasser" Reactor lime water is produced automatically. It enriches the water with calcium and reduces phosphate.
This reactor is made for very high magnesium needs in the aquarium and works after the lime reactor principle.
It is useful to install the Magnesium Tube at the outlet of a chalk reactor to enrich the water with magnesium.
Calcium, magnesium and carbonate hardness can be individually dosed independently of the lime reactor & Co.