Activated carbon filter d70 filled with high-performance activated carbon pellets for easy removal of yellow substances, nettle toxins, and medication residues.
This simple filter can be equipped with different sieves and connections. Additional valves (drain, vent) as well as an electrode connection (also retrofitted) can also be added.
Field of operation of the AquaCare Activated Carbon Filter:
- this filter is driven in upstream operation
- For higher flow rates, the downstream process can also be used
Characteristics of the AquaCare Activated Carbon Filter:
- suitable of a very large field of filter materials
- effective retention of the filter material by inlet and outlet screen
- filled with very low-dust activated carbon
- and of course , made of German quality acrylic material
Erection of the AquaCare Activated Carbon Filter:
- in the filter sump
- external (beside, under or over the aquarium)
- hang-on (outside at the aquarium)
- hang-in (inside of the filter sump)
- wall mounting
Necessary accessories:
- water inlet supply with enough pressure (bypass of a main pump of a small pump)
- a vent valve in the cover is required for the downstream process