Carbon dixoid (CO2) adsorber for increasing the pH value in seawater aquariums - a skimmer is required!
If the pH of a saltwater aquarium is constantly too low (<8.0), too much algae growth can occur and corals do not grow optimally. Animals can also lose orientation and change their behaviour unnaturally if the pH value is too low.
With the AquaCare CO2-Adsorber the carbon dioxide of the supply air of a skimmer is removed, less carbonic acid is formed in the aquarium and the pH value of the water increases.
The CO2-X-Globuli are filled into a suitable, airtight and transparent empty filter (e.g. AquaCare MF2 or in a simple PMMA filter). The skimmer sucks its supply air through the CO2 adsorber filter.
When the adsorber capacity is exhausted, the granules turn purple. The granules must then be replaced, even if it should decolorize again after a while.