20 Living stones

Product no.: LexF20

Living stones and revitalized rocks are not only an element to construct a reef structure. They are an important passive biological filter and enrich the aquarium milieu with important microorganisms - and with luck also with lower animals.

Live stones are quarried from natural reefs and are gently airlifted like animals to preserve the life found in and on them. They enrich the aquarium with important bacteria, algae, protozoa and larvae of snails and some lower animals. Of course, it is also possible that unwanted animals ("Trojans") and algae are introduced. The diversity of organisms is considerably higher in living stones than in revitalized stones.

Revitalized stones are fragments of fossil (or even old living stones) reefs and are stored in seawater cycles for a longer period of time, so that bacteria and some other things can establish themselves in the pores. The ecological balance is better, but the diversity of life is considerably lower.

Living and revitalized stones must not smell unpleasant (rotten) in any case, but must smell fresh of the sea.

In combination with strong skimming, live stones are the main component of the BERLIN system. 

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