Important note for exports to non-EU countries, e.g. Switzerland: please do not order goods worth more than 1000 EUR. Please contact us to find a solution outside this eShop.
Searching for an item:
1. Type in the field "Search for" a suitable key word and do not press Enter. In many cases the selection shows some possible products you may click on directly. After pressing the Enter key a list is shown with products pictures.
2. Searching for with the help of the menues: we have tried to classify all articles in reasonable menues and their sub-menues. Many products are in different menus. - Spare and wear parts are shown in the relevant main article under the tap "spare parts". If you are looking e.g. for an impeller for an aquabee pump UP3000 you have to look first to the main article (e.g. searching for "UP3000" or in the menu "Pumps", sub-menue "Universal Pumps"), click on it and choose the tap "spare parts". There you will find a list with all deliverable parts (blue letters) and parts that are not available in this shop (black letters). Some products will show a drawing: click on the needed parts.
3. With the help of the sitemap you will see the whole structure of our e-shop. You will find the sitemap in the menu "Info".
4. Searching for companies: type in the field "Search for" the company's name, e.g. aquabee. After pushing the Return button all articles are listed, also articles that have components of this company. In the left menu you may click on the wanted company to get exclusively the articles of this company.
Choosing an item:
Many articles are available with different versions, e.g. connectors, diameter, colour, volume etc.. Choose the wanted variation or variations. You will get the actual price and maybe another actual picture. If you found the right item with the right variation click on "Add to basket". If you need more than one pieces you maybe change the numbers if you click on "Display basket" (right side of the header) - it is possible to delete items in this list, too. - If you need special versions (e.g. special lenght of a filter), click on "Display basket" and "Check out" - at the last point "Check&Order" you may write your wishes in the field "Order and delivery comments". If something is not clear we will contact you.
Check out:
If your basket is complete please click on "Display basket" and "Check out". Please understand that the minimum order value per order is 15 EUR. Registrated customers may store the items in a "shopping list" for a later purchase. As a registrated customer you will not get emails, spams or other inconveniences. We only provide newsletters if you have choosen it. You may unsubcribe at any time.
"Adress": write your adress information. You must only fill in marked fields. If you have another delivery adress please fill in. Many customers from Switzerland have German delivery adress to save the customs charges.
"Delivery": depending on the delivery country you may choose different ways of delivery. Mind the maximum lengths. Choose "Customer pickup" only if you want to pick up the times at AquaCare, Gladbeck, Germany.
"Payment type": choose one of the given kinds of payment. As a regular customer in Germany you may choose "invoice".
"Check&Order": only if you press the button "Buy now" a contract of purchase is binding.